Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Fly over Canada; an almost real life experience!

In classic West Coast style my “East Coast” guests arrived in time to experience the full rain forest effect. 

Add that the Toronto forecast shows little fireballs in a beautiful vertical display of 20something degree weather for them back home, and our grand plans of creating an outdoor FiftyTwo Firsts adventure was somewhat uninspired.

(Don’t judge. To embrace the beauty that is the ever shifting texture of the sky and amazing variations in rainfall and wetness, is not for everybody.)

But just because we couldn’t do yoga on a mountain top, didn’t mean we couldn’t experience the great outdoors.

Did you know that Vancouver hosts the longest flight simulation experience in the world? True story! 

With an amazing display catering to 4 senses (arguably 4 ½ ) , it truly provides a like-experience. Sight, sounds, smell and touch… and a touch of motion sickness. Just a touch though.

Not enough to negate the OH SO COOL experience of feeling a chill as you glide through the Atlantic iceberg fields, swooping down into the mist and magnificence of Niagara Falls only to soar high over the Rockies, as you make your way across the country and above the clouds to watch the Northern Lights dance across the sky. 

(Tall enough...?)

Feeling well inspired by the uplifting music and scenes of Canadian grandeur, we merrily made our way down the Canadian Trail, back through the rain, to punctuate our tourister’s experience in classic Vancouver style; seaweed, sushi and sesame balls!
(Canada Trail Ballet Company) 
(Ahhh...a favourite spot where once was home)
(Look! It makes music and I can play it with my nose!)


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